Press Release

Senator Padilla’s Statement on Governor’s Veto of Critical Infrastructure Modernization

SACRAMENTO –Senator Steve Padilla (D-San Diego) released the following statement today following Governor Gavin Newsom’s veto of Senate Bill 619, a measure that would cut years off the time it takes for transmission projects to be approved and permitted – a reform critical for the California economy and the state’s rapid advance towards 100% clean energy.

“This veto is disappointing and only delays action on crucial reform while California is in a race against time to meet the energy demands of the future. As we set important climate goals, it is vital we have the infrastructure in place to support them. We simply cannot rely on the grid of our grandparents to power our grandchildren’s future. This measure is supported by a coalition spanning many sectors of the California economy with labor organizations and business leaders, environmental organizations and energy producers alike, which makes the veto all the more puzzling. I stand ready to work with the Governor and all stakeholders to find a path forward. We need to meet this moment, backing our lofty rhetoric with bold action to reform California's convoluted permitting process. I plan to introduce legislation next year to overhaul an antiqued system holding us back, undermining our energy reliability, and keeping us addicted to fossil fuels.”


Steve Padilla represents the 18th Senate District, which includes the communities of Chula Vista, the Coachella Valley, Imperial Beach, the Imperial Valley, National City, and San Diego. Prior to his election to the Senate in 2022, Senator Padilla was the first person of color ever elected to city office in Chula Vista, the first Latino Mayor, and the first openly LGBT person to serve or be elected to city office. Website of Senator Steve Padilla: