Press Release

California Legislature Approves Senator Padilla’s Legislation to Protect LGBTQ+ Community after Disasters

SACRAMENTO – Yesterday, in a move promoting equity to all Californians, regardless of who they love or how they identify, the California State Assembly approved Senate Bill 990 by Senator Steve Padilla (D-San Diego). The bill would direct the Office of Emergency Services to specifically establish what best practices state and local governments are to use when addressing the needs of the LGBTQ+ community after a disaster.

After a disaster, it is critical that everyone get the care and services they need,” said Senator Padilla. “Ensuring that we account for all of our communities when they are at their most vulnerable is in keeping with the highest of our ideals. Our practices as a state must reflect the values that we have fought so hard to protect.”

SB 990 will require the California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (CalOES) to update the State Emergency Plan to include proposed policies and best practices for local governments and nongovernmental entities to equitably serve LGBTQ+ communities during an emergency or natural disaster. The bill will require CalOES to coordinate with representatives from LGBTQ+ communities, including, social service agencies, nonprofit organizations, advocates, and researchers.

The bill is championed by a number of LGBTQ leaders and is a priority of the California Legislative LGBTQ Caucus.

“LGBTQ+ individuals are more likely to be forced out of their homes after major climate disasters and to experience challenges like food and water insecurity. With the largest LGBTQ+ population in the country, California must lead the way in eliminating bias and meeting the needs of this community in our disaster response planning,” said Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara, California’s first openly LGBTQ+ elected statewide leader, citing new research from UC Irvine. “By requiring updates to our state’s emergency plan we will close the recovery gap for LGBTQ+ people during emergencies and disasters. Thank you to Senator Stephen Padilla for your partnership and understanding the vital need for this legislation to help California’s LGBTQ+ communities.”

“From wildfires to flooding, natural disasters are becoming increasingly frequent and are intensifying as climate change worsens. SB 990 provides an opportunity for California to be a nationwide leader in ensuring that disaster programs are prepared to provide equitable and affirming services for LGBTQ+ people, especially LGBTQ+ people of color, who are disproportionately impacted by these catastrophic events,” said Equality California Executive Director Tony Hoang. “We are grateful to Senator Padilla, Insurance Commissioner Lara, and the Legislative LGBTQ Caucus for partnering with us on this critical legislation, and we urge Governor Newsom to sign the bill into law when it reaches his desk.”

"This legislation will serve as a model for the nation,” said Professor Michael Méndez, author of the research from UC Irvine. “No state emergency plans (SEP) currently provide best practices for local government and nongovernmental organizations on safeguarding LGBTQ+ communities before, during, and after disasters. Our research has shown that LGBTQ communities are especially vulnerable to climate-induced disasters."

“In an effort to ensure those disproportionately impacted are supported during catastrophic natural, SB 990 ensures CalOES is equipped to adequately safeguard our most impacted communities by consulting directly with advocates, organizations, and researchers with subject matter expertise,” said Assemblymember Chris Ward (D- San Diego), 2023-24 LGBTQ Caucus Vice Chair. “I was proud to serve as the floor manager for this important measure, which is an LGBTQ Caucus priority bill, and thank Senator Padilla for his leadership in ensuring affected LGBTQ+ Californians are supported during such tragic events.”

SB 990 passed the Assembly Floor with bipartisan support by a vote of 65 to 0 and now heads to Governor Gavin Newsom for his signature.

To read more about SB 990, click here.


Steve Padilla represents the 18th Senate District, which includes the communities of Chula Vista, the Coachella Valley, Imperial Beach, the Imperial Valley, National City, and San Diego. Prior to his election to the Senate in 2022, Senator Padilla was the first person of color ever elected to city office in Chula Vista, the first Latino Mayor, and the first openly LGBT person to serve or be elected to city office. Website of Senator Steve Padilla: